Friday, 15 February 2008

Victorian Style

Cheltenham doesn't have many red brick Victorian buildings, most of the towns buildings were built in the early 1800's or at the turn of the last Century, but the ones we do have are impressive. This one sits near the end of the High Street, at the pedestrianised junction of Cambray Place. As you can see the ground floor is occupied by the Bradford & Bingley Building Society but the top three floors are home to Wedding Days bridal shop. From the coloured brick inlays to the clock and weathervane this is a stylish looking building.

If you click on the photo for a larger image you should be able to see the netting that covers the roof and most of the front of the building to protect it from pigeons and their mess!


FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

A stylish building it is. Lovely, indeed. And yes, I can see the protective netting.

Was that blue square ever used as a billboard?

edwin s said...

Yes, same question as Fenix: Is that a billboard?

Janet said...

Very impressive! I really like that clock and weathervane.

marley said...

Fenix and Edwin S - I'm not sure what the board was used for but I guess that once upon a time it had the name of the shop on it. Lots of older buildings had a large sign advertising the owner and his wares.

Lori said...

That is a very attractive and impressive looking building. I love the color of the red bricks. It's such a warm color. I'd like to see inside too!

Rob said...

Excellent Victorian building. So much appeal here as compared to our newer box style.

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