Cheltenham Racecourse holds "The Festival" every March, this year it runs from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th and will attract 230,000 race-goers over the week. The event culiminates in the Gold Cup which is the most prestigeous race of the season. Winners include Arkell and Best Mate, who have both won several times. Over 5,000 staff are employed to deal with all the punters, and these punters drink their way through 18,000 bottles of bubbly and 214,000 pints of Guinness (we get a lot of Irish visitors!). The Gold Cup Festival is worth over £50 million to Cheltenhams economy and is one of the largest annual sporting events in the country. I am ashamed to say that I've never been to the Racecourse to see any horse racing, but its something that I'd love to do. The atmosphere is apparently electric and I know I'd enjoy a bottle of bubbly too!
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Those are huge numbers, Marley. Very interesting post. 5,000 staff... Wow.
Have a nice theme day! :)
Marley, we have a Cheltenham here in Sydney, a fairly upper middle class suburb, and that's how I always think of the original - naice ladies in wellies, actually. There's even a (state) girls high school in Sydney's Cheltenham, sometimes referred to in jest as Cheltenham Ladies College.
A perfect event to potograph! Horse racing and all that Guinness!
Nice shot. We have horseracing in Dallas but it's been several years since I've been. The betting intimidates me a little, but the people are very helpful...
Horse racing? Never made it to the French news, I'm afraid. But then the French are renown for being self-centered LOL
I'm so glad I clicked on your snow drops photo - it is indeed a beauty. The details are stupendous!
Hang on - you mean Cheltenham isn't always full of drunken Irish?
I won the Gold Cup last year! Well. Clearly not riding. Betting. Yay. Only pennies, but still...:)
BANG! (that's the sound of the starter's gun)
You must go and have your bubbly, Marley. Going to a race is exciting!
We miss only one photo report of these races
Wow, that's a lot of champagne and stout!
you and lynn are of one mind to day - i was hoping one of you might've shown us the Ladies College
Wonderful and perfect!
ah, Lynn posted the course too. Nice to see two different shots of the same place. it looks a beautiful course.
Wow, that looks impressive. I think you should go this year and take some photos of the races to show us!
Nice photo - Happy Theme Day!
I think of the Cheltenham line in Australia when I see the word Cheltenham. I usually had to make sure I took the correct line. :-)
Then I will almost certainly remember that there's a Cheltenham DP by Marley too!
Happy Theme Day!
A very good post....I had no idea what to think of when I saw I do!!!!
The Festival is a religion! You have to go:
That's a good angle. Thanks for the info and I will be sure to visit Cheltenham sometime!
Do swing by Norwich Daily Photo!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
So do the men wear long tail coats and women, big rim heads?
What? No champagne?
Perhaps the place where the phrase "Go for the gold!" came to be? Fun to learn about this. I must say that I immediately recognized something familiar about the cathedral walkway you featured a few days back. How fun to poke about while the film people are in town. Thank you for sharing this!
Seattle Daily Photo
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