Dusty Lens kindly passed this award onto me (thank you!) and now I'm passing it on to the following 8 blogs -
Terrell Texas Daily Photo
Around Roanoke
Knoxville Daily photo
My Manila
One A Day - Mostly Seattle
Birmingham, Alabama Daily Photo
Miss B In NYC
Fresh Eyes On London
I know that not everyone likes passing awards on, and that's fine. I'm not going to go around announcing I awarded it to you, if you stop by and discover it then it'll be a nice surprise!
ahh, there's nothing like glitter. especially silver. thanks for sharing :-)
Glitter, crystals, spangles..they're all good!
sparkling picture!!
Very festive, Marley! Merry Christmas to you!
Ooh, shiny! Very pretty indeed.
aw, what a lovely Christmas surprise! and there you go with that great macro work again!
Hope you and Phoebe have a very happy Christmas!
Those ornaments do make me feel toasty and warm. Okay, time for more scotch!
Great shine!
Sparkly & Gold! Nice!
Congrats on the award & I see Brian got it! I'll pass that on to him! hehehe!
Merry Christmas & GOD Bless!!!
Thanks Marley. A lovley Xmas treat. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Xmas (and that cold is much better). Your bling inspired me to trek across town and take a bling picture myslef.
What a wonderful early Christmas present Marley! Merci beaucoup!!!! You are a dear one for sure. I like you ba....ornaments a lot!!! Nice macro shot. You are getting really good at that you know. Have a very Merry!!!!
And KM up there!! Lay off the scotch or you'll be snockered by Christmas Eve!!!!
How nice! Thanks Marley! That makes my day. Your sparkly shot is great. I love the perspective and the soft focus in the back of the picture. Lovely!!
Merry Christmas Marley! And I love the sparkly baubles, just beautiful! And wow, thanks so much, you are a sweetie!
How very Christmasy your table must be! Hope you have a lovely Christmas, Marley.
Well done and love the sparlies.
thanks so much for the award, marley! you've caught me right before x-mas break! i really appreciate this and will work on passing it along when i return later this week! happy christmas!
Very festive, Marley. Thanks for all the sparkle you put not only in your posts, but especially in your comments on others. Cheers!
Aww, and what a sweet surprise it is too! Thank you, Marley! You do realize that if I pass awards on, you'll just get it back, right?
I love, love glittery, sparkly things! My nieces and I don't always see eye to eye, but we definitely agree on that one! :D
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