As many of you may know the chain store Woolworths has gone into administration, one of the latest victims of the credit crunch. The store has been on High Streets up and down the country for nearly a century, after coming to us from America. It was the place to get those things that weren't in every shop - "try Woolies." Unfortunately shops like Pound Land and Wilkos did it better and cheaper, and Woolies just couldn't compete. By January 5th all of its 815 stores will be closed and the 27,000 employees will be out of work. Not the best Christmas for them.
Sorry for my absence - I've been struck down with the Flu. Feeling better but not 100% yet.
We're seeing a lot of stores and chains close. All the empty storefronts are really an eyesore.
get well soon...
sad about the pink slips being doled out so generously..
Woolworth's in the states went belly up years and years ago. Wonder if it's the same crowd? Hate to hear it and hope you feel better.
Keep taking the Lem Sip. MFI's gone now as well. Think Comet or Wicks might be next. Perhaps that's a game we could all play; predict the next bankruptcy!
That is a blue Christmas. I think we're seeing things similar to this everywhere. My sister, who works for a ginormous government contractor here in the States, and everyone in the company is on "forced vacation" (I think they call it furloughing in Europe) for the next two weeks in an effort to save the company money. Still isn't fool proof, though. On Friday, they let all of the receptionists go. Sad.
And on that cheery note, hope you're feeling better in time to enjoy the holidays.
Les salariƩs ne sont pas les responsables de la crise, mais ils la paieront. Les vrais responsables, eux, dorment tranquilles et encore riches.
Employees are not responsible for the crisis, but they pay. The truly responsible, they sleep quiet and still rich.
Sorry to hear about the flu - hope you recover soon.
I was in a Woollies this morning. I only bought a couple of last minute things, but I felt so guilty, like I was profiting from their misfortune. It's very sad to see Woollies go, the end of an era.
It's so sad when these old stores close. Woolworth's closed here a long time back. I didn't know they had any left.
I hope you get to feeling 100% in time for Christmas!
That's such sad news — both you and those 27,000 people. I hope they all find jobs after the stores close. That's a horrible way to start the new year.
And I hope you get better soon, at least in time for the parties.
Years ago, we too had Woolworths, but they went bankrupt. Sad to see these old places go and make way for the new big box stores.
I hope all those people find new jobs.
And is Pound Land like the Dollar Store here? Not much for sale for "a dollar", but lots of things for sale in multiples of dollars, hmph.
Sorry to hear about your flu, but glad you are getting better in time for the holiday.
Woolies, the end of an era. However as you say, something else fills the gap. You have my utmost sympathies for your bout of flu. The English varieties are the worst I have ever encountered. Just recovering from my 3rd round in as many months. I note in tonights paper the hospitals are saying please stay home if you have the new flu virus dont come to us or the doctor as we are trying to stop it spreading. Also acknowledging that is is a nasty strain that has started earlier than usual. So you just stay in bed till you are better.
How sad, I always loved Woolworths when we had them here. You could always find something interesting in there. I didn't know they were abroad too. But I guess no longer. That's a shame. Hope you are feeling better!
just when you could use some good meds, down goes Woolworths! Or maybe they didn't carry meds? Woolworths went under yeas ago here, and nothing has really replaced them.
i remember woolworth's as a child, ours closed down long ago =S
A lot of people are suffering from the economic problems....but losing your job at the holidays seems a lousy way to end the year.
Hey Marley, thanks for the Butterfly award. My wife actually alerted me to the fact you'd sent it my way. Sorry I missed checking in that particular day, but unfortunately there are only so many hours in each day and I've been lucky to get my posts online. Thanks again, and I do hope your feeling a bit more chipper by now.
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