The powers that be have finally turned the water back on in the towns fountains (I guess they wait until May so that the danger of frozen pipes has passed) and I can finally show you a photo of Neptune in all his glory that I promised to you months ago. This is Neptune's Fountain on the Promenade in full flow. It is really nice to have this magnificent water feature flowing again. It makes a very summery scene. I've posted on the fountain before, click on the word 'Neptune' in the links below to read about its history. One final thing, I recently learnt that the water for the fountain is pumped up from the River Chelt that flows through an underground tunnel directly below it!
Great fountain! It looks similar to the one in Kansas City, Missouri!
Neptune in all its glory! It must be very nice to cool down on the summer. Looks like you can even shower if you walked just a little closer ;)
Yeah, it must be quite refreshing in the summer. Now I know where the town got its name. That underground tunnel must be BIG.
great to see the water flowing
Must say it's a beautiful fountain. A refreshing place for a rest, if you don't mind gettng a bit wet :P
wow! If I was to describe it in a single word, Amazing! Because you've captured not just every splash but the drama and feel of the emotion in the photo!
Marley, thanks so much for being honest in my post yesterday! Also to Abraham! I really did a bad shot yesterday! My friend even told me I should tried considering placing it on a bowl or some sort of it! I really do appreciate it!
And also, Your comment to my plumeria shot was uplifting beyong my dissapointment to my Adobo Shot! jajajaja But Believe me! It is delicious^^
Thanks again so much!
Your Friend,
Steven Que
Cavite Daily Photo
wonderful photo marley! the water droplets look spectacular...
Love the soothing sound of water in a fountain.
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