Zizzi's is a great Italian restaurant that took over the building about five years ago. Before that the former church, which was de-consecrated in 1974, was used as the Church Hall for St Philip and St James Church based in nearby Leckhampton. The church, once St James', is in Suffolk Square and is built in the Gothic Revival style. It was built in 1825-30 on land sold by the Earl of Suffolk's daughter, and was designed by local architect Edward Jenkins. It was, and still is, the impressive focal point of the upmarket Suffolk Square. Inside all of the original stone carvings, pillars and balconies still exist; with the open kitchen under the magnificent stained glass window, in the area of the former altar. It is stunning inside and next time I eat there I will take some photos. As a bonus the food is great too!
There was no outright winner from yesterdays quiz. The nearest guess was Vanky, but they have no link to their profile, so I can't give a link to their blog. Therefore the honour of a link goes to Jackie in Glasgow, who came second. Check out her great blog at Glasgow Daily Photo.
too bad I didn't check in yesterday and make a guess but I would not have guessed a church/restaurant!This is a great building.
incredible! what an ambience for a restaurant! one can religiously eat!
A restaurant. Fooled me. Great image you've captured.I wouldn't have been close on this one.
Thanks for the link! :D
There's a church near my uni which has been converted into a theatre with a couple of bars and restaurant. They've made great use of the space.
Damn, I could have swear I left a comment. Something about waiters wearing monk clothes I think... There's a restaurant here were they are dressed like that. Seems appropriate here!
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