Some of you out there may know of Lori (
http://www.missbinnyc.blogspot.com/) and the fact that she is taking a break from her New York City Daily Photo Blog. This, in part, is due to someone leaving her a very unkind message. I have always enjoyed Lori's blog and I am grateful for the comments she has left me. Her blog, along with other New York Daily Photo Blogs, is one of the reasons I started my own Daily Photo Blog. Although she is not part of the CDPB forum she has a regular following of people that appreciate her photos and enjoy what she has to say. I am sorry that the thoughtless comment of one individual has caused Lori to question her blog and her abilities as a photographer. I wish her all the best and hope that she feels able to return soon. Show your support and pay her a visit.
that was nice of you to do that.
She IS a great photographer and blogger !! I will miss her, too, and hope she will come back after a break.
Thanks for the nudge - I look at lori's blog quite regularly but not so often that I'd know about this for a week or so if you hadn't tipped the nod.
what a sad person to criticise the shallowness of someone's comments - no-one can give deep comments all the time and sometimes a brief comment is the best one can manage.
these kind of pointless hostile attacks do happen from time to time and I'm sure lori will be heartened by the support she will get from fellow-bloggers.
Thanks for sharing the incident on Lori. I think it's really nice of you to do that.
I hope she will be back soon.
Whether the comments are shallow or not, I am sure all bloggers appreciate the comments from visitors. Everyone has their right to express their views.
I don't think I've ever stopped by her blog, but I will! Why do people feel the need to act ugly online? If you don't like something, just "x" out of it! Very nice photo :)
Thank you Marley ~~~ I found you through Lori, and I to thank you and all her fans that have spoke out in her behalf!!
One good thing that came from all the bad....I will be back to visit your blog.
Really nice pictures.
Wanda from Brushstrokes.
Well said. Such a pointless act from what is obviously a very sad individual. I often wonder what it is that convinces some people that common civility goes out the window the moment that you're online.
What? Oh no!! lori is such a nice person! You know, there are some crazy folks in the blogoshpere. I never mentioned this but when I was in Europe back in February, I had a few weeks when I really did not have a minute to post any update. I started receiving emails from CDPBers asking if I was still alive. Turns out that since my last post was a picture of a plane (to advise I was travelling), someone wrote on a very frequented blog that I had perished in a plane crash! Freaky!!! But i guess that is part of the fun of blogging...
Thanks, for pointing me in the direction of this blogger and her blog.
There really are some very jealous lacklustre noboddies out there who just want to spoil this particular party for the rest of us.Yuor a very generous indivdual to devote a post to another blogger.
Poor Lori! I hope she pays the nutcase no mind and continue to blog.
whomever the person was probably lashed out as a resort to some kind of jealousy or personal self esteem issues. I wish Lori my best, and ask that she please continue blogging - do it for yourself and your visitors/fans, and forget those who get off on childishness...
im sad for lori. i hope that she won't let other bloggers control the way she blogs.
blog is a personal art.
Thanks so much for your lovely post Marley and for writing such nice things. I really appreciate it! I've missed all of my blogger friends and I appreciated all of the lovely messages that people wrote. I think I will start up again soon. I just have to get out and take some pictures first. It would be great to get together when you visit NYC in the fall! Thanks again.
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