While in town on Monday I sat on one of the benches on the Prom to have a rest in the shade of the trees. As I sat there these two came pecking around my feet. I managed to get my camera out and take a couple of shots before they wandered off. Nothing more to say really, I just like these photos. Have a good weekend everyone.
They are nice looking birds of the pigeon class. The bottom one must be filled with eggs as she is fatter than the top one. Also I see there is a band on its leg so it must belong to somebody.
We had a couple of wood pigeons around us. A few mornings ago I pulled pack the curtains to see the body of one mangled on the front drive - I've put it down to one of the local cats. Later I used a long-handled pick-me-up to deposit the carcass in the bin. I expected the wind to blow the feathers away but the rain seems to have stuck them together.
i see that they are tagged too!
love the greenish tint on their neck.
Have a wonderful weekend too!
And how did you know these were the Walter Pigeons? Was it their name band on their ankle that tipped you to their identity?
They must be homing pigeons as they are tagged. I wonder if they are doing a bit of sightseeing, before flying back to their home.
I think I recognise Mr Brian Pigeon and female friend. Strange, I didn't realise he'd got engaged - bit of a cheap ring, though.
They are nice looking birds of the pigeon class. The bottom one must be filled with eggs as she is fatter than the top one. Also I see there is a band on its leg so it must belong to somebody.
Nice work on getting these photos.
Haha Ham, that's funny! I always admire those of you who catch the good bird photos (there's a wink to abraham, too).
Mrs Walter is very pretty (and I think she knows it!).
A nice weekend to you too, Marley.
We had a couple of wood pigeons around us. A few mornings ago I pulled pack the curtains to see the body of one mangled on the front drive - I've put it down to one of the local cats.
Later I used a long-handled pick-me-up to deposit the carcass in the bin. I expected the wind to blow the feathers away but the rain seems to have stuck them together.
I saw its mate picking over the back garden.
What a cute couple.
I can never get close enough to get a good shot on these feathered friends.
i love those shiny green feathers... i've tried capturing them on some ducks around here, but it never catches the real thing, nice job!
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