If I were to show you a photo of the New York skyline you'd know instantly where it was. The same goes for London, Sydney and many other world famous cities. Unfortunately Cheltenham doesn't have such a skyline. The only reason that you'd guess this is my home-town's skyline is because its on a Cheltenham daily photo blog! This photo was taken from the top of Chosen Hill and as you can see Cheltenham is surrounded by hills, mainly the Cotswolds. If you click on the photo to enlarge it you'll get a better view, and an idea of the geography. Our only skyscraper is Eagle Tower, which you can see on the right of the picture. Just past the tower, slightly up the hill, is GCHQ's Oakley site. The Government use this as one of their information gathering (spying) headquarters, the other one is shaped like a big doughnut and is on the opposite side of town. In the photo I've managed to fit in about half of Cheltenham, the majority shows the town centre and surrounding suburbs. If you imagine the same again to the left of the photo, then you get an idea of how big Cheltenham is.
Not so much the Big Apple, but more the Medium Grape!
It's beautiful! Who needs a skyline when you have those lovely hills? In fact, the one thing it could do without is that tower...
Size does not matter! Specially when you have such a beautiful environment!!
What a lovely skyline! I think you should add that last line as the subheader to your blog title, because it's hilarious! I'll never look at your blog again without thinking, "Cheltenham: Not so much the Big Apple, but more the Medium Grape!" Too funny!
Okay, I have to ask: what do the letters GCHQ stand for? I heard this acronym thrown around all the time on Spooks (MI-5 over here) and I keep wondering. Is it your equivalent of our NSA (National Security Agency)--the people who listen in on our phone conversations, monitor our computer activities, and spy on us with satellites? Inquiring mind would like to know... Thank you!
wow! I really do agree with petrea! Those hills are sooo lovely! I can imagine myself taking a break on those lovely grassy farms in front! and having a book to read! Oh! thinking of it is heaven!
I really like that! Medium grape! That was a great title for it! From now on, Cheltenham will be called by me as medium grape^^
Your Friend,
I love grapes! This is a wonderful shot Marley, I love your vantage point. Our land is all flat here, how cool for you to be able to see yours from above like this!
hey! medium grapes can make a good wine!
how are you Marley? it's been weeks since I came by and what a shot to greet me. I've been cooped up in a small space so this this great view is a welcome relief.
Have a great weekend :)
it's famous to me. a young American girl dropped in Cheltenham for four years in the 60's. i loved it. maybe one of those secret places is where my Dad worked - enough said - i can't ask him now - anyways - i'm glad i found your blog - i enjoy your photos and your stories.
Look at the greenery--ahhh fresh air! Someone from the countryside adopt me for a week :)
Hi Marley, to answer your question about our balloon flight, we had about an hour and a half. We would have landed sooner, but he had problems finding a good spot.
I took similar photos to your photo today. Green fields with houses in the background. I may put one on tomorrow.
What a great place to live....the big apple is highly overrated!
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