Yesterday Cheltonians got their chance to cast their vote for the election of Councillors for the Borough Council. Its not as exciting as a General Election but its still an important poll. I went to my local Primary School to vote. Cheltenhams constituency is divided into Wards (areas) and each is represented by two Councillors. Half of the 40 seats are up for re-election, that's one councillor for each Ward. In two years time the other seats will be up for re-election. In my Ward the election is between a Liberal Democrat and a Conservative candidate, the fight for control of the Borough Council is also between these two parties, as no party has overall control (the Labour party have little impact in Cheltenham). Cheltenham wasn't the only Council holding voting, there were 159 Councils in England with around 4,000 seats up for grabs. Also there were elections taking place in Britain's Capital for London Mayor and in Wales for all of the Welsh Unitary Authorities. This election is the first test of Gordon Browns government, the results will be interesting to say the least!
At the time of posting, the results weren't in but when they are I'll post an update. You lucky things! Yes, I'm a politics nerd!!
....The results are in and the Council remains with no overall control! Lib Dem gained 3 seats, Conservative gained 1 and Labour lost their 1 and they now have no representation on Cheltenham Borough Council. Now its up to the Councillors to decide who will lead the Council. If they can't decide then the Mayor makes the decision, and he just happens to be a Lib Dem! Over the country as a whole the Labour government have had their worst election result in 40 years with only 24% of the popular vote. Lib Dems have a 26% share, and the Conservatives are up to 44% share. Interesting political times ahead...
lol, nice post marley! i was never interested in politics at all until george bush was running for his second term... i knew nothing about politics back in early 2004, but i find myself enthralled by it now and enjoy participating in all votes...
Hope your cast vote has lots of company and your man or woman is the winner. Did Marley approve??? Did your candidate promise larger tuna rations?
Rightly or wrongly it looks like G.B is in for a good pasting. I wonder what the headlines will be on tomorrow's newspapers.
I knew what the cartoon for the BBC Poliics Show Website Gallery was going to be last night. I sat and watched my partner draw the cartoon,he being Gary Barker of the Barker Gallery. lways going to be a kicking for Brown this time
Btw. We can still cast a postal vote from the Isle Of Man, because we moved over here from the UK.
Think you explained your post really well to anyone outside of the UK.
We missed the voting as Scotland didn't have elections this year (after last year's debacle!). But as an ex-Londoner I was hoping against hope that Boris wouldn't win. Sigh.
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