Over recent months the Regent Arcade has been undergoing a makeover, with the marble and stone walls and pillars inside being replaced. It will be white and silver when it is completed. The front is also going to be changed, with a large arch way replacing the existing facade. This change is probably going to be the most noticed, as the front you can see today is almost identical to that of the previous building that was there. The site used to be The Plough Hotel, which dated back to 1654. It was one of Cheltenhams most popular hotels and inns. The yard that was behind the High Street hotel was the biggest in the country (hence the size of the present shopping centre.) But after the Second World War the Plough fell into disrepair and was never as popular as in its heyday. It was eventually demolished in 1980, despite the protest of locals who collected a 20,000 signature petition (that's a fifth of Cheltenhams population!)
Not surprisingly, there has been no similar petition regarding the planned changes to Regent Arcade.
sad that so many voices went unheard and demorlaised the citizens from taking any corrective action..
Nice shot marley! I think its a very happy place to be! Just like here in the Philippines, Mall of Asia! It was very big and until now, I haven't reached parts of it! I thinks it's in the Top 5 largest Malls in the world. To bad I can't feature it. Its in Manila^^
I also like the flower shot! it's so sunny^^
That's alot of signatures to go un-noticed.
The Regent Arcade looks like a nice place to shop though!
Glad to see the front. They did a good job in replicating an old building. I am very curious how the new building will look like!!
You would think 20,000 signatures would make a difference wouldn't you.
Town planners have a lot to answer for!
I like the angle reaching for the sky.
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