Lets have some form and repetition today. These artificial topiary balls (yes, they're plastic!) are lined up outside one of the jewellery shops on the Prom. I had to be quick taking this photo as the store has a security guard stood inside, behind the glass door. I think its locked and you have to be let in, that's how posh it is. Anyway...he was giving me a strange look, especially when I looked up for the security camera and stood underneath it to take the photo (I know how to avoid detection!) He probably though I was casing the joint!
Actually the topiary balls look genuine! Isn't it interesting what we are willing to do to get a photo?!
I never expected to read the line "artificial topiary balls" today, well never. Cracked me up along with evasion of the guard. Nicely done cool green on cold greys. I expect to see you arrested soon.
You and I are sister or sister/brother souls when it comes to taking sneak shots.
There's not only repetition here in the topiary balls, but in the watches, the patterns on the sidewalk, even the leaves on the balls!
Nice repetition shot!
Drives me crazy how everything is for security these days. Had a couple of tussles with security men in London streets. C'est la vie
Artificial topiary balls! I wouldn't trust their diamonds - bet they are artifical too!
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