Monday, 21 April 2008


For a while now I've wanted to show you some of the lovely pink blossom that has been flowering around Cheltenham, but it seems to have all gone over and I've missed the opportunity! Luck in the street where I live, right outside my front window, is this lovely Ornamental Cherry tree and the blossom is at its best. I know its not pink, but white will have to do. When I'm around town today I'll keep my eyes open for the last pink blooms, so you may see some yet!


Kris McCracken said...

We're clearly on opposite ends of the planet. My picture today is of all the leaves that have fallen from the trees!

Janet said...

Glad spring is blossoming. Can't beat the cherry trees this time of year!

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

Oh so very beautiful, regardless. Magnolias are going crazy around here. What a beautiful season spring is. :)

Chuck Pefley said...

Cherry trees are lovely indeed. Enjoy the while the last. Soon enough you'll be raking up the leaves -:)

magiceye said...

oh they look lovely...

Janet Kincaid said...

Lovely photo, Marley. I adore Spring!

Lori said...

How beautiful! I love to see the spring blossoms. I'm going to show some on my blog soon too. Your photo is lovely!

Ming the Merciless said...

White cherry blossoms are just as pretty as the pink ones.

How luck of you to have one right outside your front window.

Neva said...

I found a pink flowering cherry tree on my trip to Washington DC....this white is nice as well!

brian stout said...

beautiful shot on this one... i love flowering trees...

Ineke said...

haha, you're right.
But must say, i agree with the others, this white blossom is just as pretty :)

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