Don't forget Theme Day tomorrow!
Monday, 30 June 2008
Fresh From The Farm
Don't forget Theme Day tomorrow!
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Marley In Kefalonia - Day Five
Back to Cheltenham tomorrow.

Saturday, 28 June 2008
Marley In Kefalonia - Day Four
Its the final day of Kefalonian photos tomorrow. The holiday is drawing to a close.
Friday, 27 June 2008
Sky Watch Friday In Kefalonia - Day Three
Check out all the other Sky Watchers here.

Come back tomorrow for 'Marley In Kefalonia - Day Four'
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Marley In Kefalonia - Day Two
Locals queueing up to buy fresh fish from one of the fishing boats in the Port.
View across the bay to the mountains with added sparkle, not that it really needed it!
Thanks for all the 'welcome back' greetings yesterday, I'm glad you all liked the photos. More tomorrow.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Marley In Kefalonia - Day One
I don't go back to work until Monday so to make the holiday last a bit longer I'll show you some of the many photos I took until then. I'll return to Cheltenham photos on Monday. Hope you enjoy a taste of Greece.
Some of the many colourful boats and buildings at Fiskardo.
Flowers enjoying the sun and a not so traditional coloured building.
Come back tomorrow for more sun, sea and sand. At some point today I'll get round to catching up with your blogs, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to!
Monday, 16 June 2008
Holiday Time!

Sunday, 15 June 2008
Green Dome

Saturday, 14 June 2008
Bird In The Bush
Friday, 13 June 2008
Sky Watch Friday
This is a wheat field, just outside of Cheltenham, with a storm brewing above. In the distance you can see the Cotswolds. Check out all the other Sky Watch participants here.

Thursday, 12 June 2008
King Of The Money

Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Colourful 200th
I thought I would go for a bright, colourful photo today to celebrate. This is a close up of some of the sweets from my photo trip to Beechwood Arcade, the one when I was asked not to take photos! I hope these gobstoppers don't mind their image being posted (any complaints to the Legal Department.)
Many thanks to everyone who visits this blog, and special thanks to all those who leave encouraging comments. It is greatly appreciated. I hope you all continue to enjoy seeing what Cheltenham has to offer. Now what shall I post for my 300th?!
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Back To The River
Monday, 9 June 2008
Reinstated Railings
The photo below shows the railings being removed in June 1940. I love the fact the workmen are in their shirts and waistcoats! All very proper!
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Its A Bandstand!
There was no outright winner to yesterdays competition, so the prize of a link goes to Neva and Lynn as they had the nearest guesses.

Saturday, 7 June 2008
Green Goddess
Today's post is a quiz! What structure in Cheltenham is this face on? The answer will be revealed tomorrow. The person with the correct answer will get a link to their blog. What more could you want?!
Also, I'd like to wish a very Happy Birthday to AJC! Hope to see you and my best friend, DJ Groin Strain, soon!
Friday, 6 June 2008
Sweet Injustice
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Looking Up
For those that are interested the motto underneath the window, Cum Prudentia Sedulus, means Diligent With Prudence.
(I know I've shown pigeons several times before, but the ones in this photo are an added bonus!)
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Master Baker

Tuesday, 3 June 2008
This striking dome is the focal point of the Montpellier shopping area. It sits at the top of the parade of shops, bars and cafes and is one of the first things visitors heading into town see.
Originally the building was one of Cheltenhams many Spas. Previously the building was wooden but was replaced in 1817 by a stone built Long Room. In 1825-6 the Rotunda was added by London architect John Papworth. As the spa waters went out of fashion the building was used as a concert and dance venue, the Long Room was used by a bank. Since 1926 Lloyds Bank have owned and used the Long Room, and they bought the Rotunda in 1962 for £14,000. When they took over the Rotunda it was in a very sorry state, a survey showed that the 160 feet diameter, 60 feet high dome had dropped 3 inches and was being held up by seriously rotten beams. In the renovation 2 tons of copper and two of lead were removed, also many tons of ornate plasterwork were taken down. The building now stands proudly, showing what Cheltenham is all about - fine architecture and interesting history.

Monday, 2 June 2008
Stairs Of Desperation

Sunday, 1 June 2008
Theme Day - My Local Corner Shop
Although this isn't my local shop (its just on the edge of Cheltenham town centre, not far from where I live) I just had to show it, as its name fits the theme perfectly! This newsagent and toy shop is on the corner of Bath Road. Its been there for as long as I can remember and has never changed. As you can see its looking a bit tired, with flaking paint and a faded window display, but inside it is full to the rafters with all sorts of childhood delights! When I was a little boy my Aunt used to take me with her shopping on Bath Road. We used to go in her Morris Minor, which we called The Old Banger, and we would sing 'She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain' (ahh, memories.) If I was a good boy she would take me to The Corner Shop for a toy as a treat. Happy times!