Today a few photos from the Kefalonian capital, Argostoli. It is about 8km North of Svoronata, the village where Phoebe and I stayed for the week. We hired a car from Greekstones (I know, great name for a car hire company in Greece!) Check out their logo at the end of today's post. Its cool! It was a bit scary driving on the opposite side of the road to the UK, and it didn't help that the steering wheel was on the other side of the car! Anyway, we made it in one piece. Here is the proof.

One of the towns many churches, decorated with flags and bunting in preperation for one of the Islands Saints days.
Locals queueing up to buy fresh fish from one of the fishing boats in the Port.
View across the bay to the mountains with added sparkle, not that it really needed it!
Thanks for all the 'welcome back' greetings yesterday, I'm glad you all liked the photos. More tomorrow.
Thanks for your visit to my blog Brookville Daily Photo this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the baby rabbit eating the hibiscus flower.
I am now taking a diminishing dose of steroids for my Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and it works. I am pain free. I believe the chemotherapy drug is spelled "Methotrexate" that is used to treat a lot of things from cancer to arthritis and it has side effects that are troubling. So I need to talk to my doctor about it before I take it. Just missing a dose can be a real nightmare.
Anyway, I wanted you to know I stopped-in to repay your visit and comment with mine.
I enjoyed reading your blog post for today about Kefalonia on Day-two. The Greekstones mobile brought a big smile to me as I used to draw things like this and the Flintstones stuff before they were created and made popular. And I thought your photography was excellent.
I don't know if you like to read or not but if you do this place is amazing.
I just got my first shipment of used books from Strand's bookstore in New York City, yesterday. They have 18 miles of used books. Think about that. Anyway, they got here and I am totally happy with those I chose to read. I had to start out by just choosing a category, like photography, and go from there. I don't know how in the world they can keep track of so many books.
Look up Strand bookstore or copy and paste the URL here:
more great shots, marley... i like the sparkles and the view is amazing. love that fred flintstone car too =)
Nice...sparkles! A very neat trip you took us one!
Great stuff, Marley. And, Welcome Home! I like the last photo of the flower covered walkway between the buildings a lot!
Sorry to be absent, but time is a problem for me at the moment.
It looks like you’re getting some great weather!
What a colorful place, Marley. You must have had a great holiday. I have not been to any of the Greek Islands so thanks for sharing. I'll look forward to viewing rest of your holiday posts. Nice to have you back in dcblogville ;)
HA! Glad to hear you guys made it out in one piece. I would love to see Pheobe's face when you were driving. :-)
love the sparkling picture!
Wow, a Greek village. Really sounds idyllic (looks that way, too). More, please! I know you took plenty of photos. Looking forward to the rest.
Oh My marley! Just look at the Greek flag on your first photo! Isn't it lovely! I have two big flags in my room. and I do mean BIG. One is Philippine and on the other wall is the Union jack. I am finding a greek flag too for the mean time, I painted one on a big paper.
Love the photos! Looking forward again tomorrow!^^
Am enjoying the holiday pics
Hey Marley..I like the Flintstones..opps I meant the Greekstones logo..hope the car was anything but prehistoric :P
Thanks for sharing your trip to Greece pics. I trust you had a wonderful time.
Gorgeous! And I'm glad you managed to survive the driving experience! (when I was in Zakynthos we hired a car for a day and soon discovered the handbrake didn't work, which made steep hillstarts interesting!).
Hope you enjoyed your holidays and do believe me it was the best period to do it! JUly and mainly August are awful busy months.
I'll be coming back to your blog everyday!
Lots of love from Greece.
I'll be in London next week for job reasons.
Marley, you have quite the eye....I am enjoying your shots...I find it difficult to tell what my shots will look like sometimes and have been working on framing .....still have a long way to go!!!
Oh, that last picture of the water is fabulous. Love the sparkle! You almost have to wear your sunglasses to look at it.
As for Greekstones, I'd rent from them just because of the name alone! Quite funny indeed!
I am on your second Greek posts and I am already dreaming of grilled fish with simple herbs and lemon!
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