This photo is still from my collection of holiday snaps from Kefalonia. The apartments that we stayed in for the week were brimming with bird life, mainly sparrows and, as shown, swallows. These guys were stopping on telephone wires for a rest from all the soaring and diving that they were doing. It was interesting to see them swooping down onto the swimming pool and snatching a mid-flight drink!
Check out all the other Sky Watchers

Come back tomorrow for 'Marley In Kefalonia - Day Four'
This picture is adorable and just perfect for skywatch!
They're so cute! I love this!
Beautiful, like musical notes!
Oh I so like this shot. I was thinking the same as sandycarlson . . . musical notes. Public TV here in Boston has a promo piece that is a short clip of birds landing on a wire and each time they land a note sounds . . . eventually a song is made.
Oh little birdies! This reminds me of a Pixar cartoon I watched. About birds on a wire ;)
2's company but 3's a crowd in the swallow kingdome?
A great sky watch from the Greek birds!!
lovely capture!
Very endearing photo.
Oh there's just beautiful. such a hard bird to capture static and they hardly ever land. Well done, they'e gorgeous.
I'm back ...
Oh no, cried blog world ... he's back!
But guess what, I'm so happy. If I didn´t rejoin SWF I would never have the chance to see this great photo!
Just to let you know I have visited and seen your post. I thank you for joining in this week and being part of the Sky Watch community.
Tom :O)
Great Skywatch capture! Now, whenever I see birds on a line, I think of that hilarious Pixar short.
Here in Norway we call Swallows "Svaler". And there is a saying that says that if the swallows is flying high up in the air, there will be good and warm weather, but if they fly very low near the ground...it will rain.
Nice shot:)Petunia's SWF
Cool skywatch. Haven't had a chance to get a photo for this week so will try for next week. I have now manged to logon to CDP. Have you?
Like notes on a music score...
Wishing you a great Sky Watch Friday.
snatching a midflight drink of what?
(trying to post this comment for the fourth time - I'm sure I typed the last lot of letters correctly!)
Very nice!SWF
Beautiful bird capture against a beautiful sky
Great capture for sky watch!
Have a nice weekend.
Great photo for sky watch!
From AnneKa in Norway
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