I thought I would go for a bright, colourful photo today to celebrate. This is a close up of some of the sweets from my photo trip to Beechwood Arcade, the one when I was asked not to take photos! I hope these gobstoppers don't mind their image being posted (any complaints to the Legal Department.)
Many thanks to everyone who visits this blog, and special thanks to all those who leave encouraging comments. It is greatly appreciated. I hope you all continue to enjoy seeing what Cheltenham has to offer. Now what shall I post for my 300th?!
Happy Bicentennial Marley!!!
I love the colors in this!
Congrats on 200. Yumm, are gobstoppers the same as gum balls?
Congratulations on your 200th post! You chose such a festive and colorful photo to celebrate the occasion. Here's to many more!
Congratulations, marley! Thank you for all the lovely photos.
Conratulations my friend! wish you another 200 and many moreto come!
I'll always be a fan! on your 300th? why don't you post a photo of yourself so we can see you^^
Mabuhay and Congratulations! I love those gobstoppers! My jaw never did sore! God Bless!
Congratulations! And great photo for your 200th! (P.S. My word verification is JKDIG, which is totally appropriate. My initials are JK and I definitely dig this photo! Okay, that last bit was cheesy. Sorry.)
Congrats!! If you are anything like me, then those 200 are only a portion of what you have taken over the period. Love the colours.
200! Well done. Those gobstoppers look perfectly happy to be snapped by you. Look how brightly than shine.
Loved your last comment on my blog. Thanks for the Montpellier info. ope you dad recovers swiftly. Not a nice op at all. Keep up the good work, it's agreat daily blog.
A very colorful post, and I love colors!!
Happy 200th.
As long as we have fun..you posting ..us enjoying!
Happy birthday. I'm only about a month away from my 700th posting. I, like the rest of us look forward to seeing what happens in the spa town this year.
Way to go, Marley!! :)
I enjoy reading your posts.
What about a beautiful cake with 3 lovely candles for the 300th post? :)
Happy 200th..however belated!
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