Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Night On The Ginger Beer

In Cheltenham we don't have many large stores with extravagant Christmas window displays like other towns and cities. Ours just tend to be mannequins in party gear with hanging baubles and fairy lights in the background. But this window is great! A drunk gingerbread man in his Y fronts, complete with traffic cone, about to get a bashing from his gingerbread wife with a rolling pin! The store didn't want to lose sight of what its trying to sell, hence the mannequin in party gear to the side of the impending gingerbread earful!
Click on the photo for a larger version and check out all the detail.


• Eliane • said...

This is adorable! And hilarious! The wife still wears her hair curlers! And we've learned that gingerbread can get drunk with a gummy coca-cola bottle! :P

Web-OJ said...

This is fantastic. This pic made my day. Look at the expression on Mrs.G. Bread. Lol! Our guy guys a damn, though! With his Baniyan and Y front, he's having a rollicking good Christmas season.

Enjoyed Eliane's comment too! Giggle!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

he he that's great Marley but which store is it? Let's give them some publicity! That gingerbread man looks yummy, pants and all.

You are needed over at my Cheltenham, for that ghost story, you tease.

Steve Reed said...

Funny! Never seen a gingerbread man in his underwear before! :)

Lori said...

That's adorable!! I love it!

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

Gingerbread men get drunk drinking coke! Whoddathunkit! Absolutely lovely display. :D

Web-OJ said...

I HAD TO come back here to see Gingrbread man and his undies! Lol!

Hilda said...

Very, very late comment here! I love this!!! LOL!

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