First things first, I have played around with the colours of this photo. The original was very bright and you could hardly make out the clouds, so I had to give it a helping hand. I believe this is what's known as an Anvil cloud, but I'm ready to stand corrected. Does anyone know its proper name?
To join in with Sky Watch Friday, and to see all the different skies around the world, head over to the Sky Watch Friday Blog.
Also thanks to Rambling Round for another BFF award! See yesterdays post for my award recipients.
that is neat it actually it looks like an anvil. Great photo.
Gill in Canada
I think you'll find the technical term is a Cauliflower Cloud ;-)
Not a clue. Dewdrop would know for sure. It's p****d down all day here, so I dragged out one from down the week. This cloud is spooky. If you tweeked that, you did a marvellous job it's got a very natural feel.
Marley, I think it is an anvil cloud ... thought the base is a bit narrow. But, the general shape is definitely there. Very nice.
Thanks also for your kind words on my blog today. I do appreciate those unsolicited comments. :)
Wow....anvil sounds good to me!!! What an awesome cloud....I never seem to see that kind!
The shape you captured of the cloud is great! I think I'll go google anvil now.
I am cloudless, but this is one fine one in my opinion. Feel free to give it some ooomph. We all do that or MOST of us do that. Some are such wonderful photographers they don't need post processing techniques. Moi????? Bring it on Marley!
I have no idea whether that is "officially" called an anvil cloud, but if not, it should be.
It looks like a bomb explotion!
Building, building, building - hope the hammer does not fall down!
Have a great time at Guy F. day races. Glad you liked the firewkrs. I've been just waiting to use it for a good reason.
that is a beautiful capture!
Great Photoshop work then — it sure doesn't look fixed up!
JM in Oeiras took the opportunity a second BFF award gave him and passed it on to ten people. :D
I keep meaning to join Skywatch Friday. I adore the sky for shots. This one is marvellous.
you did a good job, it turned out nice! i was going to say mushroom, but you're right - it really does look like an anvil!
Glad you did play a bit with it. Those clouds are great. It sure does look like an anvil.
I don't know but I'll take your word for it! You did an awesome job tweeking it, it looks so natural I wouldn't have known! Happy skywatch :)
It looks like a cross between a mushroom and a nuclear bomb cloud. (maybe thats wht the nuclaer bomb cloud is called a mushroom cloud). Very wierd.
like a mushroom cloud in the clouds...
Quite an interesting cloud. Very nice!
Lovely thunderhead, Whatever is it's technical term, it makes a great photo subject.
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