And I know you all want to know about Pizza Express. It's opposite the town hall, it has a grand double staircase at the front, inside its stylish and, more importantly, the pizza's are good!
I've just found this wonderful autumn treat for you all. It'll take less than two minutes of your day. It's worth it. Make sure you have the volume turned on. Enjoy.
I've just found this wonderful autumn treat for you all. It'll take less than two minutes of your day. It's worth it. Make sure you have the volume turned on. Enjoy.
I can't decide whether it makes it better or worse, when chain restaurants go in nice, characterful old buildings. As chains go though, Pizza Express isn't too bad.
Thanks for the link to the BBC slideshow - lovely pictures and commentary!
You do have a lot of rain. I guess it is something anybody can get used to. I would not like to live in Florida because they have too much heat, humidity and sunshine. But then you can doze off in your easy chair and sleep through a downpour. Get up and look outside and see no evidence of it.
Your photo is interesting. I guess, such a large building, for a pizza express.
Interesting building for pizza! Here chain restaurants all look the same as the next so you can't miss them.
Sorry it rained on your day off, isn't that always the way?!
"a grand double staircase"
Sounds really fancy for a pizza place!
I hope you get this kind of beautiful weather over the weekend so you can go through with your autumn photography trip! Thank you for the link — beautiful slide show and very interesting commentary too. I loved the part about 'the sugar and starches withdrawing.' Cool! :D
Well done! and thanks for that link, a nice 2 minute during lunchbreak. Why is our weekends filled with rain, but Monday Am at work, it is a beautiful sunny day?
Hi Marley !
Yesterday I received - by surprise - the "Blogging Friends Forever" Award for my photography.
According to the rules I can now award this honor to 5 other bloggers of my choice.
I have chosen your blog as I really like your photos and overall enthusiasm for life!
Please visit my blog and you will see your name among the 5 other awardees. Then it will be your turn to give the award yourself to 5 other bloggers of your choice, according to the rules you will find indicated there.
Greetings from Greenwich Village!
This is a fabulous image, with the marvellous blue sky, love building and the shadow crawling along. It was particualy gorgeous today so I managed to photograph some pubs. The autumn treat was just that.
Thanks for your kudos, Marley.
Weather is tough to control, isn't it? I've been incredibly lucky on this two week trip. And even when it rains, I like it ... some amazing reflections possible from wet shiny streets :)
I am telling you now.....looks like it could compete with Chicagoland pizza!. I wonder if it is good...:) hmmmmm something to ponder....
It has been a mixed week weatherwise, very wet & windy yesterday, but sunny & warm today. I've not tried a Pizza Express pizza as Gail & I tend to go to Pizza (Pasta) Hut. Will have to go and compare.
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