Saturday, 18 October 2008

Rubbish River

This is Cheltenhams latest bike parking facility. Well, it made me laugh! I saw this bicycle dumped in the River Chelt the other week. I presume it was dumped, I suppose someone could have lost control while out for a ride, ended up in the water and then got swept away by the current! Well, as the River Chelt is like a stream I doubt that very much. I don't know why people do things like this. I also don't know why the Council don't clean up this area more often. I suppose they've got better things to do with our taxes.

Anyway, on a jollier note, the result of the birthday quiz! The winner is...(drum roll)...Denton! He got all the answers right apart from one, which he got right later. Well done Denton, a Cheltenham postcard is on its way to you!

Here are Denton's answers -
(1) the name of the fountain - Neptune's Fountain on the Promenade
(2) the story that goes with this photo - Sweet Injustice, security asked that you to stop taking photos
(3) the name of the building - Town Hall which it sits on Cheltenham's One-way system
(4) the type of Coat of Arms - The Cowardly Lion ... belongs to one of Britain's former Kings
(5) the significance of these birds - Cheltenham's spa water was discovered in 1716 because local people noticed pigeons pecking at the salty deposits
(6) the name of the building the eagle sits at the bottom of - Eagle Tower
(7) what Cheltenham is famous for - the Gold Cup
(8) what this building is being turned into - The Dobells pub ... a proper pub
(9) my first 'blank' - first attempt at the City Daily Photo Blog theme day
(10) my first 'blank' - first photo posted
(11) the name of the building - The Municipal Offices stand on the Promenade
(12) the name of the flower - sunflowers representing children at the Deerhurst Flower Festival

The answer to photo 8 is actually that the Dobells pub is being turned into a Costa Coffee (which Denton got later.)

Thanks to everyone who took part and left me such kind blogiversary comments. Enjoy your weekend!


magiceye said...

:) love the conclusions you arrived at!

Tash said...

But the water is very nice & clean :) What Cheltneham needs is someone like my favorite artist-blog friend - that bike would be snapped up in a minute.
On another note - I AM SO BUMMED! I MISSED THE BIG ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION & the QUIZ. Serves me right for not visiting for a couple of days. So congrats & thank you for terrific photos & being a faithful visitor to PVDP & many, many others. Best wishes for lots more. (PS - your Neptune is from a more advanced age then the PV one :)

Anonymous said...

That is extreme recycling.

Ming the Merciless said...

Are you sure that wasn't you who rode the bike into the stream?


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Great shot, Marley! What a shame. I think it looks a nice bike too, someone could make use of that. I too am perplexed as to why people do it. I hope nobody was hurt in the making... ;)

Lori said...

Too bad about the bike in the river. Let's hope it got there by accident. It's a great photo though! That Denton is pretty sharp! Good for him for getting all the answers.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Applaud you for taking this image. trolley now a bike. What really annoys me is why do people not only abandon these items, but see fit to trash a pretty area with them. Rant over. y post last night was a blur. Don't post drunk.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - it doesn't actually look like such a bad bike does it, I'm sure they could have put it on freecycle or something if they really didn't want it! I saw a computer chair in a stream last week - I guess it makes a change from trolleys, but it wasn't very picturesque!

Tanya Breese said...

What a great capture but a shame that this person had to just dump this in the river instead disposing of it properly. I can't stand litterbugs, don't even get me started! Have a great weekend!

Janet said...

Poor bike!

Janet Kincaid said...

Hey, I could use a bike! Darn, but I hate to see things like that wasted.

Have a good weekend, M.

P.S. Did you get my email?

Unknown said...

That looks a pretty decent bike. Did you fish it out & ride it home? I think I would have done, although the saddle might be a bit wet.

Knoxville Girl said...

We could rebuild it! I had a yellow bike just like that in college - now I know where it went.


Not another bloody Costa Coffee! Globalisation has really taken over Cheltenham and indeed the world. Good to see my home town of Cheltenham. Greetings from Poland!

Jilly said...

What a fabulous photograph. It's somehow so sad and shocking - a drowned bike with just a handlebar out of the water - perhaps it can be saved. Strange how we can give human qualities to something inanimate.

Hilda said...

Congratulations to Denton!

First a shopping cart, now a bike. What's next? A car? And that bike still looks whole and usable! Sigh…

Randy said...

Interesting parking space.

If you get a moment on Monday stop by to see, "The Devil from Alaska."

Ken Mac said...

is there a body under this bike? EEKKKK!

Rob said...

Well, you see here is te trouble with riding a bicycle with a pint of stout in each hand.

Probably a stolen bike then discarded after a joyride.

Bergson said...

you stop bike ?

Neva said...

It looks like a workable bike still...that is so discouraging for people to dump their "trash" in the stream.....Statistically, they say the worst offenders are males between the ages of 18 and 25....for being bad litterers (is that even a word>)

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