Now it is my turn to give the award to other deserving bloggers following these rules:
1. Only five people are allowed.
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.1. Only five people are allowed.
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
After much consideration the awards go to
Birmingham Alabama Daily Photo (Virginia)
Around Roanoke - A Daily Photo (Tanya)
York Daily Photo (Ruby)
Dusty Lens (Dusty Lens)
Palos Verdes Daily Photo (Tash)
I know that not everyone likes passing awards on, and that's fine. Take some time to visit these worthy winners, especially if you've not been there before.

You are such a dear. What fabulous company I find myself in. Thank you for your nice comments and faithful visits. It keeps me on my toes!
O-M-G0SH! You are a sweetie! I am soooo honored to be in your company of 5. I remember you being one of my 1st "commentors" & I was so thrilled. And now - WOW!
Actually, I caught your photo today scanning they CDP - thinking it was an interesting picture.
You deserve a fanfare for your award. Love the trumpet player photo. That was a very creative way to use that picture!!
Many many thanks, Marley, this is a pleasant surprise, I appreciate this! Quite the trumpet player, bring on the fan fare!
apt pic indeed!
LOL! That's a cute pic to go with the award! Congratulations, Marley!
Nicely done. Image is perfectly suited. Well done award wise and your choices. Just be careful with awards. I no longer accept or give them as some conatin viruses and I had so many that it became ridiculous. c
Aw Marley, congrats on your award and you are a sweetheart for passing it to me! Thank you and wow, you found the perfect picture to go with your award post!
Nice trumpet player photo.
Nice photo of a trumpet player (is that you?)
Love the trumpet player. there is one occasionly in Oxford St. However he doesn't play very well. Hope your player made good music.
That's a fab picture. Now is the time to confess that I have a music degree from a million years ago, so I hope you will forgive my pedantry - he's actually playing what looks like a cornet, rather than a trumpet. They have the same fingering and range of notes, but the trumpet is longer and thinner, whereas this one is shorter and a bit fatter. The cornet's sound is softer - generally you will find a cornet played in brass bands rather than trumpets, which you find in orchestras.
Pedantry over - whatever, it's a great photo! And never let it be said that you never learn from daily photo blogs! :D I'm just glad to prove to the world that my degree wasn't a total waste of taxpayers' money ;)
Thanks sooooo much for the award Marley. It's made my day! Love the busker pic too.
Marley, congratulations!!! I love this guys haircut!!!
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