Wednesday, 30 January 2008


After the long winter months the arrival of snowdrops tells you that spring is finally on the way. They are one of the earliest flowering plants of the new year and the colder the weather is, the longer the flowers will last. Snowdrops have specially hardened leaves to push there way up through the frozen ground and snow, although they've had a pretty easy journey upwards this year due to the lack of a "proper winter" here in Cheltenham. I photographed these snowdrops in Pitville Park, under some of the trees. In the background you can make out the Bandstand and part of Pitville Pump Room. More about the Park and Pump Room next week. For now just be pleased that spring has sprung!

Please click on the first photo for a larger version, the detail is fantastic!


brian stout said...

WOW! That really is amazing detail. They're beautiful flowers - i can't wait for ours to start blooming!

MJ said...

Hi Marley..the snowdrops looked very refreshing..

Ahh..the joy of having 4 seasons.. you can to see diffent beautiful plants during the different seasons.

Wish I could have that here :)

Pat said...

My goodness, Marley! What loveliness! We won't have any flowers for another couple of months at least! So nice to see these.

I would certainly appreciate your posting a condolence message in my blogs today for the wife of a good blogger friend...


Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos

Kate said...

I think I prefer these snowdrops to the other kind. These flowers are delicate, beautiful, and oh, so interesting!

Lori said...

How beautiful!! Those snowdrops really are lovely and it's such a cheerful photo. You got such a nice close-up shot. I loved your cathedral photos too from yesterday!

Ming the Merciless said...

I have never seen or heard of snow drops before. It must be an early spring bloomer.

It's still freezing cold over here.

I need to go to Central Park to check out the flowers to see of any are beginning to bloom too.

edwin s said...

lovely! I've always found snowdrops somewhat romantic and precious. you're right, the details on the larger image are fantastic.

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

Beautiful photos of one of the loveliest wild flowers. A tiny patch of snowdrops grows in a little slope on the side of our cottage. I think they start showing up in mid March. Darling little things. :)

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