Here we are again, another Sky Watch Friday and another week gone by. These are the chimney tops of Boddington Manor, on the outskirts of Cheltenham. The large Manor house is now the headquarters of Robert Hitchins (a house builder) and they must be feeling patriotic, what with the English flag flying. And the sky above is promising another storm (surprise, surprise!)
To join in with Sky Watch Friday, and to see all of the other sky watchers offerings, head over to the
Sky Watch Friday blog.Enjoy your weekend everyone!
I always thought the chimneys in Europe are way more interesting than those found in this country.
I have to agree with Abe....interesting chimneys......and the flag...we fly our flag alot over here!
Great photo...lovely the verticals of the chimneys & flag pole, & the horizontals of the cloud bands.
Oh say can you see... another British summer looming. Really what have we done to deserve the weather we are having? That flagpole is bolt upright,and the chimney pots are certainly intrigiung against that moody sky. Great stuff. You're really
rising to the photography challenge.
Marley! This is gorgeous, a beautiful shot. I love the stone, the sky, the alignment of it all. A nice piece of work on your part.
am really buzzing on these beauty fotos..thanks for sharing
The chimneytops and flag are a perfect focal point for the sky.
Beautiful picture, and many more in your blog. Nice.
I love the architecture of the building. The columns are fascinating. The colors in the sky is wonderful.
My SWF post
Love the building and love the sky - you have a nice blod as well:)
nice BLOG (not blod)!
I love the chimney pots. Rather unusual to see and English flag flying. Great capture.
The stormy sky seems to make the roofline of the building more grand! Lovely pic!
Love your architecture, even the chimineys are pretty to look at.
cool chimneys! we FINALLY got some rain here today, which was much needed =)
I like that flag flying boldly against the layers of clouds. I have a hard time taking photos of a flag in the breeze so you can actually see the flag.
Stunning. Where are the Beefeaters? :)
That was an enjoyable read. What a great combination of heavy clouds and light there. Great stuff.
Great shot!!I am glad you mentioned it is chimneys. It almost looks like temple columns.
Enjoy your w.e.!
That doesn't look like an English flag to me. Does UK have more than one flag?
This picture speaks to me in many ways... I love the building you show, the chimneys are a joy to see... the Sky is great and a well worthy of Sky Watch... I love seeing flags flying... none more so than our own... and on a lighter note 'Boddingtons'... not the family but the 'Beer' that was at one time brewed in Manchester and as made my knee buckle many a time... in fact if the truth be told I have a tattoo about my person with a 'Bobbingtons Barrel'... a sure sign of a mis-spent youth... :O) Ah! for a pint of Boddies Best Bitter now...
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