Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Cex Sells

Cheltenham's latest sex shop...sorry...Cex shop has just opened in Pitville Street. Computer Exchange buys and sells electronic equipment including consoles, DVDs, games and cameras. They have around 80 stores in the UK, as well as branches in Spain and New York. The idea behind Cex is quite a good one - need extra cash, sell something to them, want something electronic a bit cheaper, buy something from them. In these times of money worries it seems a good idea, like a modern day Pawn Brokers.



Jane Hards Photography said...

I am laughing my head off at the amount of people that are going to click tonight on this post for the Cex bit. That cracked me up laffing at that.Master...ful pun. Got you worried then didn't I? On a serious note this reminds me of the nasty Thatcherite '80's when the rise in Pawn(not to be confused with...)shops came back to the high street with a vengence. It's a terribly sad image of times I had hoped we would never as a nation re visit.

Brad said...

You had me fooled at first.

Leeds daily photo said...

Great post title. We have had one in Leeds for a few years, I have bought a few things there.
Thanks for visiting Leeds Photo Daily and nice comment.

Hilda said...

Awww… computers! I am sooo disappointed! ;D

Ken Mac said...

must admit, I like that sign!

Rob said...

LOL, catchy sign. i know I have a number of discs I'd like to sell, what a great idea.

brian stout said...

cool sign! it's a good idea, and like others have seen quite a few people in the local pawn shops lately, which is i guess a sign of the times!

Neva said...

Love the heading! An interesting shop. Not sure if we have something liek that here.

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