Wednesday 23 July 2008

Child Labour

One of the things I like about blogging is that I am always looking at things in a new way. This relief panel is on the corner of a small row of houses, on a brick wall, behind some gardens. Its not far from where I live and I pass it all the time but I've never looked at it, until now. It shows some angelic styled children hard at work. I won't tell you what they are creating, I'll let you work it out (you might need to enlarge the photo for a better look). I just wonder why is it there and what is it all about? I've looked on the Internet, but nothing. Its just one of those blogging mysteries.


brian stout said...

nice post marley, it is funny how i notice things differently than i did before blogging.. always finding cool photo ops, but usually without my camera =) i've enlarged and still can't see what they're creating....?

Tanya Breese said...

I'm glad Brian couldn't figure out what they are creating because I was feeling a bit slow,lol.
Interesting, it's a shame there isn't info on it.
Nice to see you!

Ming the Merciless said...

They look like little Indian kids making Nike shoes for 20 cent a day so little boys in the west can buy them for less than US$50.

Child labor is BAD!

Rob said...

Either way, it is a very nice relief panel. Onthe far right, it the kid looks as if he is holding up a bicycle frame. I'll go with that, they are building bicycles.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Another great spot. Your'e right, photography really opens your eyes. Everything is a photo, you just got to go with your instincts. A for research, well you know my feeling on this one. Nothing more fustarting than finding a brilliant image like this, and having no or info to share.

Anonymous said...

Are they building something or is it a well?

MJ said...

Phew...I feel relieved I am not the only ones who can't figure out what they were creating :P

Hope child labour has been fully abolished.

Knoxville Girl said...

You're absolutely right about noticing things you see every day with new eyes. I sometimes wonder what Alternate Knoxville I've been living in all these years.
This looks like the Elgin Marbles, but without the nekkid men on horses. They are building a ...... tardis?

Lori said...

I so agree about seeing things you never noticed before. I have no idea either what the cherubs are creating. It looks like some type of woodwork or maybe they have pipes. That is an interesting mystery. You'll have to find out the answer and let us know!

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