Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Marley In Kefalonia - Day One

Hello everyone, I'm back! I had a brilliant time on the Greek island of Kefalonia. The sun shone, the water was warm and the food and drink tasted delicious! What more could I have asked for?

I don't go back to work until Monday so to make the holiday last a bit longer I'll show you some of the many photos I took until then. I'll return to Cheltenham photos on Monday. Hope you enjoy a taste of Greece.

The beautiful Myrtos beach, on the road to the fishing village of Fiskardo.

Some of the many colourful boats and buildings at Fiskardo.

Flowers enjoying the sun and a not so traditional coloured building.

Come back tomorrow for more sun, sea and sand. At some point today I'll get round to catching up with your blogs, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to!


FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

Welcome back! How many mezedes did you taste? How many swigs of ouzo? How many gorgeous beaches did you discover? Life's good, eh? :)

MJ said...

Hi Marley..great to have you back!

You must have had a great time.

Colors, colors and more colors.. your pictures of the Greek Island sure cheered me up! :)

Stevenson Q said...

Welcome Back marley! I missed your blog but the longing for your 'greek' photos really kept me going back and back here in yur blog and finally! The photos are really beautiful! I loooooove Greece! Hope someday I can go there! It's also on my other blog's recent post. Check on it sometime Life of a Daily Photo Blogger

Hoping and longing for more Greece Photos! Gdo bLess and Mabuhay!

Steven Que^^

Anonymous said...

Hi Marley,

A nice photograph. I have enjoyed your posts over the past weeks but seldom comment. I felt I should today. It is all nice work.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to the Greek pics. Smashing set to start off with. Such a wonderful place to island hop. Weather has been poo so you ain't missed a thing.

magiceye said...

Hey good to have you back! You sure have been having a super vacation! Glad you are sharing your views of the places you have been to.. thank you

Web-OJ said...

What a colourful place. You must have had a whale of a time there! Lukcy, lucky!

edwin s said...

How beautiful! It must've been such a wonderful holiday. My friends and I are planning to do the Greek islands soon. We were young when we were last there and all we did then was drink ourselves stupid. Now we want to take leisurely walks and eat a lot.

can't wait for the sun, sea and sand. the shot of Myrtos is breathtaking. :)

Ineke said...

ha. i totally understand edwin.
I too visited greece about 20 odd years (!) ago, in a bit of a blur.

Would love to go back now i see these photos!

Janet Kincaid said...

Wow! I really need to travel more. Greece seems so magical and beautiful and your photos convey that. I really like the last one a lot. I imagine a quiet side street, cooled by verandas and scented flowers... Looks completely lovely and restful!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! That looks like a wonderful place - I'd love to get back to the Greek islands sometime. You feel yourself relaxing the second you get off the plane!

Marie-Noyale said...

It must have been hard to come back...
I have to check on the map I don't know this island and from your pictures I should!!!
A nice stroll in the shady streets aglass of ouzo on a "terrasse" in the harbour, and after quite a walk a refreshing swim in the turquoise sea...
Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

Oh it will be hard to go back to work after spending time in such a lovely place. Hope I can get there soon. Look forward to more photos of the holiday before you have to go back to Cheltenham life.

TENTAY™ said...

Myrtos beach - WOW. :>

brian stout said...

welcome back! your photos are great, i especially love myrtos beach!

Ming the Merciless said...

Wow, the alley way in the last photo is spectacular. I love the colors of the building at the end of the street and the flowering trees by the street.

Petrea Burchard said...

Just marvelous. Oooh, I want to go!

Rob said...

Welcome home. Except vacations are difficult to end. Beautiful photos, I can't get over how blue the sea is.

Neva said...

what a lovely holiday you had and your pictures look awesome! Glad you are back!

Susan said...

I love all three shots! The water, the activity in the 2nd shot, and the quiet nature of the 3rd...

• Eliane • said...

It looks so inviting. That's it, I am jealous! ;)

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