Saturday 27 October 2007

Italian Tranquility

This is the Italian Garden in Sandford Park. I stood on the top of the steps, that lead down to this wonderful sunken pool, to take this picture and right behind me was the constant flow of traffic on Bath Road. The contrasts of Cheltenham just feet apart. The pool has a line of 5 fountains down the middle and, as you can see, is lined by 4 clipped Yew trees on either side. The Italian Garden forms part of a park that is split in two by College Road. This formal part, on the west side, has other pools and fountains, and is used by office workers for lunchtime peace. On the east side of College Road is a larger, open space, adjacent to Cheltenham General Hospital, used for dog walking, sports and the landing site of the air ambulance. The park also has the River Chelt running through it, but more on that another time.

1 comment:

Web-OJ said...

Can't believe it when you say that behind you traffic was passing by. Thanks for visiting my blog and cheers to the Ya Ya Sisterhood!

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