Vinyl Vault and Browsers is something of a hidden retro gem in Cheltenham. Those in the know rate it highly and those that don't know about it soon realise they do when you tell them "its that place in that basement that smells a bit musty and sells old music and clothes"! Situated in the basement of a Regency town house that is now offices, it is crammed floor to ceiling with records (remember them?!), tapes and vintage clothes. I've been there in the past on the hunt for flares to wear to a 70's party. They had dozens of pairs, and the best bit is you can buy them, take them back and they buy them back from you. Talk about recycling!
Do you suppose they have some Donovan records?
I could browse in there forever I bet. I had platform shoes in the 70s.
Marley - looks like a fun and grooooovy store to visit for music and clothes!
does that mean other than 2nd hand, they have 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,... hand stuff? hehe...
If my husband would allow it, I can sell Vinyl Vault hundreds of records. Then spend what I get at Browsers! ;)
Iam sure I'd love to buy things there.
What a fun place.
I love those old shops - there are far too few of them nowadays in our faceless High Streets.
i am there! I buy old vinyl all the time, and the $$ is going up! This is a real find.
Petrea took the words out of my mouth! :-) I bet the shop(s) are pretty cool!
I was listening to a Mellow Yellow song on You-Tube a week or so ago. I have no idea what got me on that.
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