I'm not sure what amazed me more - the new glass roof of the Regent Arcade or the workman stood on it! He must have faith in his work, stood at least 40 feet above the shoppers below on the brand new glass roof! As you can see there is still a lot of work to do in the ongoing refurbishment of our main shopping centre but the roof is impressive. Its not exposed to the elements yet (hence the scaffolding and metal sheeting above it) but from what I can see it looks good. All the natural light that'll come flooding in will make a real difference below.
Talking about walking on glass high in the sky
click here. Scary stuff!
Unnerving for sure. There are a couple of buildings that have 2nd story walkways that are glass - a human factors engineer would oppose that one. The roof will be so nice once the full daylight comes thru.
Not for the faint hearted, for sure!!
I think he's a bit of a show-off.
They just opened a glass walk-out thing off the Sears Tower. I don't have the nerve to go there. Great photo.
i would not dare to stand on glass that high up!
*knees turn weak*
This building construction glass is not the same glass as we see in our normal daily lives. I know that there are now several tall buildings like the Sears tower where you can walk out with nothing but glass and a several hundred foot drop below!
Thanks for your kind comments on my Leeds in yorkshire Photography blog.
As for photographing people, I figure the worst is they say no. Most people I approach say yes when I explain and give them my Leeds DP card. One person I spoke with a couple of weeks back already knew of my blog!
I got 250 cards from Vistaprint for £3.48, great value and really handy to promote my Leeds DP. I also got some postcards printed and now a friend has them on display in her cafe/gallery they cost about 12p each from Vistaprint.
must be a great view from up there!
My tummy will turn if I try that, but I think I'd like to anyway! :)
Your renovated shopping center looks like it's going to be a wonderful place when it's done. All that natural light!
I'm not good on glass floors. too scary
Glad he didn't have on a kilt.
I always use Vista print for business cards and one off items. I love the sound of breaking glass so I'll stay quiet.
Very nice perspective indeed!
Yes I've got postcards by Vistaprint too! Good value. That link totally freaked me. I couldn't go out there to save my life. I'm sure, knowing my luck, I'd faint and fall forward smashing the thing.
I've not seen our new roof yet. Must.
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