In case you can't make out what it is - its a Christmas tree! Old and very dead, lying next to a wheelie bin in someones front garden. If its still there in five months time the owner could spray it with green paint and take it back inside! (That's what you call tree-cycling!)
Kind of sad in a way. A tree dies for Christmas. I suppose I wish they dug them up and potted them rather than chopped them down. Still that's Christmas life. Super shot, Marley.
wow, where's the yard man when you need him
Oh, how very environmentally correct. Such perfect planning!
poor thing looks like its in jail behind those metal bars...
I guess it's seen better days. I'm surprised it still has any needles left. That is one dead tree!
I think that I just lost my message. Re. the photo: It looks like procrastination...big time. Nothing sadder looking than a discarded Christmas tree.
it's fun to find old shots like this one. LOL on tree-cycling. You better corner that market.
That is right - the bin men won't take anything that is left next the bin these days.
Clever title. Jacob Marley eh! Can't top tree cycling.
treecycling! love it!
Why haven't they decided it's a terrorist threat. Anything left on the streets of London is labelled as such
Excellent idea! No sense in cutting another tree down. Maybe next time they will shrink wrap it and store it in a shed until needed a third time.
Kind of sad in a way. A tree dies for Christmas. I suppose I wish they dug them up and potted them rather than chopped them down. Still that's Christmas life. Super shot, Marley.
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