Just look at the concentration on his face. And who can blame him! This chap was attempting to entertain the shoppers on the Prom but not one person had stopped to watch him. Even I was stood well back, hiding behind a tree, taking this photo! I felt quite sorry for him as he was very good (he didn't have bandaged up hands!) and he was giving it his all. I'd like to think that a crowd had gathered to watch him after I'd walked on. I hope so.
Notice the heatwaves in the photo.
Oh Marley this is a good one for sure. Ouch!
the expression of concentration on his face is captured so well! good on you!
Fabulous! Great capture. The concentration - the fire! So well done and I love that beautiful column/statue behind him.
Wow, great capture! The heat waves are awesome. Hope he got an audience too, poor guy.
His eyes look almost trance like.
ooh more fire. What a great week.
Sorry Marley I put the wrong URL on my comment above. Oh well you might enjoy the pagan festivities I have been researching.
nice pic! and he does certainly look attentive to his juggling, which I guess you have to be when you're playing with fire!
I love how you've captured him Marley. Yes, a shame that people just carried on like this was the norm, they've seen it a million times...I'd have stopped :)
I wonder if a crowd would have gathered if he'd caught one the wrong way up :-O
How brilliant - he's almost cross-eyed with concentration! I hope the publicity tempts him (and a more appreciative audience) out again!
Wow, that's a terrific shot! You can tell how intent he is on the task of juggling with that fire. I guess you'd have to be! I hope he got some more spectators after you left!!
A great expression. Wonderful shot, Marley! I hope a crowd gathered, too!
I hope they paid him too. Excellent facial expression.
Yeap, he was definitely focused on the floating fire.
We could use some of that heat in NYC. It's been really cold lately.
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