It always pays to look up. I'm getting better at it but I'm sure I miss out on some great potential photos by only taking shots at eye level. This bugle playing lady is high up on the front of Que Pasa bar. Before that the building was a pub called Toad At The Olde Bank, I guess that name comes from the building once being a bank. I'm not really sure how old the building is, I'm guessing old though! This lady, and her equal on the opposite end, look Art Deco to me. Any ideas?
I really like the shadows and curved lines in this photo. Remember, look up and you could be pleasantly surprised.
Can't hazard a guess about art deco or not, but the shadow really does make this image. Nicely done, Marley!
Looking up also reveals some wonderful architectural features on old buildings. The woman you photographed is svelte and slim!
very elegantly poised!
jumping cows & prancing ladies - so much action!
This is very nicely sculpted & the shadow makes to photo really interesting. (No idea on the style)
An interesting photo made marvelous by the light and shadow.
Love the dancing shadows.
i like the shadows too! and que pasa? =)
A great reminder and you've done the bugle playing lady justice!
That's one firm butt! I don't know if she's art deco, but I suspect she works out quite regularly!
She so delicate dancing with her shadow. I wonder what era she is too?
The softness of those lines doens't seem art deco, but the design somehow is. Intruguing. Well done, elegant shooting.
An elegant play with shadows.
I forgot to comment on this one earlier, though I saw it in my feed reader and thought "ooh, I like that". So I'm commenting now to say "ooh, I like that"! I've got some of my best pictures from looking up.
simply gorgeous and the shadows make it perfection.
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