Sunday, 31 August 2008

Dirty Washing

The people of Cheltenham are all going to smell as there is no where for them to do their washing. I guess its down to the River Chelt to wash clothes on the rocks then. Not strictly true, obviously, most people have washing machines. I suppose that is why this launderette is now closed. Like lots of towns and cities more and more places like this, and shops too, are closing their doors for the last time. Its a sign of the financial times.

This post reminds me that I must do some washing today!


Stevenson Q said...

Marley! I love the black and white effect! here in the Philippines, We do have washing machines but in provinces, people still wash their clothes on the rivers! Just imagine washing your clothes while having a breath taking view of the mountains and luschious vegetation around you, Just as a TV Advertisment! jajaja

God bLess you and Mabuhay!


Unknown said...

It beats me how a lot of shops still seem to carry on, even though they never seem to have that many customers. Mobile phone shops still seem to be opening though & almost next door to each other too.

magiceye said...

the b&w emphasises the gravity of the situation... beautiful

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" would have thought that a laundry/cleaners would still manage to survive!

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