The magnificent (not) river that is the River Chelt is hardly the widest deepest torrent of water in the world so you'd think the Council could manage to keep it clean. Apparently not. In the past I've shown you a trolley and a bike dumped in the water, today its a bed and a trailer. How delightful.
we had similar stuff happening in Mumbai. the river is mithi river and it had become a dumping ground till one fine day in the monsoons in 2005, the banks burst and the surrounding areas were underwater for 2days! then the municipal authorities woke up and started cleaning up operations and dredging of the river. now it flows gently and the dunping has not stopped but is minimised. bane of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization?
I thought I remembered a shopping cart under water... - this is your most famous shot of the dumping waters. Looks like it's a good spot for scavengers (like PasadenaAdjacent) to go find some good stuff.
We have spring cleanup and good citizens end up pulling all kinds of junk out of streams and brooks . . . more shopping carts than anything else. The city sends a trash truck to pickup all the debris . . . it makes a little difference.
i wish we had a river in our town =) i wonder where the rest of the trailer is?! =)
Probably too much trouble... kinda like most peoples view these days!
we had similar stuff happening in Mumbai. the river is mithi river and it had become a dumping ground till one fine day in the monsoons in 2005, the banks burst and the surrounding areas were underwater for 2days! then the municipal authorities woke up and started cleaning up operations and dredging of the river. now it flows gently and the dunping has not stopped but is minimised. bane of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization?
You'd think people would want to see their city look good. If they do this to their city, imagine what their own home looks like!!!
Some people are so direspectful , i'm always amazed by such behaviours !
Such a shame. It's the same here; people are just now learning to take responsibility.
Makes a beautiful picture though.
I thought I remembered a shopping cart under water... - this is your most famous shot of the dumping waters.
Looks like it's a good spot for scavengers (like PasadenaAdjacent) to go find some good stuff.
We have spring cleanup and good citizens end up pulling all kinds of junk out of streams and brooks . . . more shopping carts than anything else. The city sends a trash truck to pickup all the debris . . . it makes a little difference.
And the saddest part is, it happens all over the world.
I believe scenes like this are universal! This shot could have unfortunately been taken here too!...
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