Thursday, 11 March 2010

Blog Day
The Tenin Technique

How could I not come back for this momentous occasion in CDPB history? And what is a party without punch? So, here I am!

Hello everyone. How have you been? Good. Me? I've been OK. Busy. Not picked up my camera since New Years Eve, until last week. It felt very strange actually but the break from snapping pictures has done me good. I'm still not ready to come back to Cheltenham Daily Photo yet. One day maybe. But I am starting to take photos again. And reminding myself why I liked photography in the first place. Anyway. Today isn't about me.

Today's special Blog Day is to celebrate the start of this wonderful community, 5 short years ago, by our great leader Eric Tenin, with the first daily city photo blog - Paris Daily Photo. The challenge for this unique theme day is to take a photo in the style of the 'Friendly Parisian', either on the ground or at a jaunty angle. This is my tribute to Eric - Cheltenham Town Hall as seen from the pavement.

Check out who else has come to the anniversary party by clicking here.

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